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LG launches cryptocurrency wallet


The wallet, likely to be launched at the end of the current quarter, seeks to introduce LG into the cryptocurrency storage space.

According to an application filed in front of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the wallet will be a unique computer program that can be downloaded to be used as a digital wallet.

LG has applied for a patent and registered a trademark "Wallypto".

According to the source, the wallet will manage and verify cryptocurrency transactions using blockchain technology.

LG has been silent about the media's stimulus, it's ongoing reporting, and the preparation of its yet-to-be-launched Wallypto wallet.

A report issued by “News 1” in South Korea confirmed the development, saying that LG will also provide the wallet in front of non-fungible tokens.

What blockchain will LG Wallet work on?

The wallet is allegedly built on Hedera (HBAR) technology due to LG's board membership but will approve more coins in the near future.

LG Electronics is known for its digital experience-enabled smart TVs and has moved to bring blockchain experiences to the real world using decentralized identity technology.

For your information, LG is not the only tech giant in South Korea that is diving into the crypto world.

Its closest competitor, Samsung, has already moved aggressively to take the lead in the electronics market by launching the Galaxy 10 series that supports NFT and the world of the metaverse and launching the digital wallet function for Galaxy phones and a TV that supports NFT tokens.


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