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Here are 4 tips to protect yourself against phishing.


Phishing, which has been aggressively developed in recent years, is a form of cybercrime that fraudsters use to try to steal personal information from third parties to extort money from them. 

Discover in this post some infallible tips to protect against phishing.

Many may not know this, but you should be aware that banks or financial institutions will never ask you for your personal details via email or SMS, whether for confirmation or modification. Even if the website you're sending the email to is textually similar to that of your bank or institution, be aware that it could be hackers.

So, when you receive this type of email, delete it immediately and contact your organization to make sure there is no problem with your account.

Using redirect links is one of the most used phishing techniques by hackers, but it is also the easiest way to avoid it.

In fact, when you receive emails from unknown sources, avoid clicking on links or URLs included in these messages. These can be infected with viruses or malware. To check it, simply hover over the link without clicking to view the web address it is pointing at. And if it's a shortened link, you also have the option to check it with an online tool like Unshorten.

Fake web addresses are usually very long and contain an unimportant sequence of numbers, letters, punctuation, and many more. You can easily identify them and avoid them. However, if it's a message from a third-party provider or party, the easiest thing to do is to type the correct URL directly into your browser's search bar. However, note that malicious links can also come from your colleagues, friends, or family, because those links may have been hacked as well. So be very vigilant.

Another way to protect yourself from phishing scams is to use internet security software. So, all you have to do is install anti-spam software on your computer which will protect you from malicious messages by preventing them from infiltrating your mailbox.

In addition, you can also use DNS filtering software that helps prevent browsing a fraudulent website, and antivirus software that in addition to protecting you from phishing attacks, protects your entire computer system.

If you don't want to be a victim of identity theft, changing your password regularly is the perfect solution. In fact, one thing is to change your password, but another thing is to make it difficult to guess.


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